In de berichtgeving over Nederland die druk bezig is met het werven en opleiden van nieuw douane personeel, dat de Britten daarin behoorlijk achterblijven. Voor JMD: nu zit de UK binnen de douane unie en straks erbuiten. Ik geloof ook niet in extreme rijen wat betreft personen, maar qua goederen gaat het zoals ze het nu aanpakken wel redelijk uit de hand lopen. De Grieken deden meer om de zaakjes op orde te krijgen.
@ JMD, de vervlechting met de EU is gigantisch. Ondergaand stuk is interessant met als hoogtepunt:
So extensive are the EU ties which bind the UK that they take at least a political generation to untangle. Gus O’Donnell, the former head of the UK civil service, has pointed out that it took Greenland, with a population less than Croydon and with only the issue of fish, three years to leave the old EEC. And in the Eighties the EEC was a far less complicated entity than the modern EU.
Thousands of UK laws — nobody knows exactly how many — are based on EU law. Many of these laws only have effect because of the European Communities Act, which would need repeal or substantial amendment. Some of the laws have effect without any UK-implementing measure.
Millions of pounds of funding for agriculture, regional development and scientific research comes from the EU. Almost every policy area you can think of, from medicines to television, has a EU component and many UK public bodies depend daily on EU institutions providing information.
Each policy area needs to be examined so the Government will put appropriate measures in place. All this will have to be done on top of what the Government will be doing anyway running the country, in a period of budget cuts and spending freezes, and with a civil service that is 20 per cent smaller than in 2010.