Wedstrijdtopic : Knock-outfase


Well-known member
Er spelen 7 spelers in je team die op scherp staan, en de 2 gele kaarten vallen precies bij de 4 die die kaart nog kunnen lijden...


Engelsen zijn aan het doen waar ze goed in zijn op Twitter, namelijk zelfspot. Even een paar:
"England really really don't want to be in Europe."
"England allowing freedom of movement to foreigners, especially in our penalty box"
"YOU say England are losing 2-1. I say the British people are sick and tired of 'experts' with their so-called 'scores'"
"England held almost as long as the Leave camp held their promises after the referendum"
"Don't worry, if we lose I have a petition ready to play the game again."
"If the markets are anything to go by, that trade for Sterling won't be worth much."
"Roy Hodgson. The only Englishman with a coherent plan to leave Europe..."